Is your baby breech? You have options!

Ok, so you’re here. First and foremost I want you to take a DEEP breath. In for 4, out for 6 with a BIG sigh. Ok, one more… Very good.

I’m sure you heard things recently like “well if your baby doesn’t turn, you’ll have a cesarean at 39 weeks” without much more explanation or care given to what your plans were. “babies make their own decisions” I’m sure someone has placated you with. But I’m here to tell you about your options.

First and foremost, I want to preface all these options with a message that your intuition is SO important here. Trust that newly minted parental gut. Tap into what feels right for you and your baby. These are options, not mandatory steps you have to take. You are allowed to sign up for that 39 wk cesarean without any judgement, IF that’s what you want. My job is just to ensure you know that there are options.

Body Work:

  • Chiropractic Care - specifically search for Webster Technique Certified professionals

  • Acupuncture & Moxibustion

  • Massage Therapy

  • Mayan Abdominal Therapy

Spinning Babies:

External Cephalic Version (ECV):

Vaginal Breech Birth:

Old Wives Tales:

  • Flashlight on the belly

  • Music, reading books, parents talking to the belly

  • Ice packs and/or heating pads

  • …and so many more!

Now I want you to remember, THIS IS ALL OPTIONAL, but you have options! Do research on what you feel comfortable trying, if any of it! I resonated deeply with a post I saw ages ago about how we can encourage nature, but we can’t force it to change. If your baby is chronically breech, theres probably a reason why. Pregnancy is the first lesson in parenthood; We cannot control, but we can encourage and guide.

Sending you lots of love as you navigate your next steps, and if you don’t already have a doula, PLEASE reach out! There’s a community here to support you.


2024 Wrapped: Happy New Year!!