What's in my doula bag?

During prenatal visits with clients I always go over what tools I bring with me to support you while in labor. I ensure to both bring a balance of tools and also remind clients that a doula's presence is a huge part of what we do, it's not all the hands on tools. With our presence we bring support, education, and are expert space holders!

My doula bag is a relatively inexpensive back-pack style diaper bag that I got from Amazon. It is washable, has tons of pockets, and is easy to tote around.

Comfort & Environmental Items:

  • Variety of essential oils (never in a diffuser, just on a face cloth)

  • pick me up bright citrus scents

  • Peppermint to help with nausea

  • lavender to relax those muscles

  • A few combs (the comb trick is truly magical!)

  • Battery operated twinkle lights or candles

  • Affirmation cards from the amazing Cam @ Wyld Magick

  • Ethically sourced Rebozo

  • A few alcohol wipes (for curbing nausea)

  • Lotion for massage

  • Massage balls

  • Tennis balls (for tired hip squeezing arms!)

Self Care Items:

  • Change of clothes (sometimes birth is messy and/or long!)

  • High protein snacks

  • Gummy bears/fruit snacks

  • Dried fruit

  • Toothbrush/toothpaste

  • Water bottle

Tools are only a very small part of what a doula does, but they can be so integral and important to the birth trajectory & atmosphere.


What to pack in you "go time" bag!


Supporting Fat Birth: A Fat Doula’s Take on Affirming Care